Let us explore a simple recursion scheme in OCaml. To create motivation for it, we will write a few simple compiler passes for a toy language.
You might think—oh, crickets! again these functional programmers with their compilers! gimme some real problems!
First, compilers are the single most researched application of software, so there is existing terminology which can be quickly used to build up a realistic example.
Second, and more importantly, it looks like there are more and more applications of compiler construction methods to other fields, for example, financial instruments. It even may be that every software problem is a compiler problem.
Let’s say we have the following informally specified language:
e → (
| ()
| true
| false
| 0
| 1
| 2
e /
| let
id =
e in
| if
e then
e else
We can represent it straightforwardly with this type:
module Syntax = struct type t = | Unit | Boolean of bool | Number of int | Id of string | Divide of t * t | Sequence of t * t | Let of {id: string; value: t; body: t} | If of {conditional: t; consequence: t; alternative: t} end
Now, let’s say you want to eliminate dead code by creating a compiler pass for the following transformations:
if true then x else y ⇒ x if false then x else y ⇒ y
And here is how you can do it using primitive recursion:
module Dead_code_elimination = struct let rec pass = function | Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t -> t | Divide (left, right) -> Divide (pass left, pass right) | Sequence (left, right) -> Sequence (pass left, pass right) | Let {id; value; body} -> Let {id; value=pass value; body=pass body}| If {conditional=Boolean true; consequence; _} -> pass consequence | If {conditional=Boolean false; alternative; _} -> pass alternative| If {conditional; consequence; alternative} -> let conditional = pass conditional in let consequence = pass consequence in let alternative = pass alternative in If {conditional; consequence; alternative} end
The highlighted area represents the actual transformation, while the rest is boilerplate that makes sure that the transformation is applied recursively.
This pattern of recursion can be captured by a map
function that
applies a function f
recursively to the data structure:
let map f = function | Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t -> t | Divide (left, right) -> Divide (f left, f right) | Sequence (left, right) -> Sequence (f left, f right) | Let {id; value; body} -> Let {id; value=f value; body=f body} | If {conditional; consequence; alternative} -> let conditional = f conditional in let consequence = f consequence in let alternative = f alternative in If {conditional; consequence; alternative}
Now we can rewrite our compiler pass to focus on the
actual transformation and to delegate the recursive descent
to map
module Dead_code_elimination = struct let rec pass = function | If {conditional=Boolean true; consequence; _} -> pass consequence | If {conditional=Boolean false; alternative; _} -> pass alternative | other -> map pass other end
Now the pass is focused on the transformation. To sum up:
Syntax.t -> Syntax.t
and reuse a single map
implementation to factor recursion.Syntax.t
type with new
constructors, we will only need to modify map
, without the
need to modify each pass.map
to be tail-recursive, and all the passes
using it will become tail-recursive as well.Caveat: our map
implementation above is peculiar.
Instead of the regular signature:
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
It has a monomorphic signature, where 'a
, 'b
, 'a t
, 'b t
the same thing:
val map : (Syntax.t -> Syntax.t) -> Syntax.t -> Syntax.t
Thus, this map
will only help us factor out recursion for
passes of the form Syntax.t -> Syntax.t
We’ll see what we can do about other kinds of passes further.
So far the deal was that we could write map
and then use it in several passes. However, if
your compiler has an intermediate representation with hundreds
of different nodes (like many do), it might be tedious to write.
Worse, what if you have many intermediate representations?
Fortunately, there is ppx_deriving
code generation
framework which can generate, among many others, a map
implementation for us, similar to Haskell’s deriving Functor
However, there’s a caveat. Similar to deriving Functor
Haskell, deriving a map
implementation using ppx_deriving
requires a type with a single type parameter: 'a t
We will need to rewrite our Syntax.t
type to use a type
parameter instead of it being defined self-referentially.
However, we’ll be able to reclaim our monomorphic map in no time.
See here:
module Syntax = struct module Open = struct type 'a t = ❶ | Unit | Boolean of bool | Number of int | Id of string | Divide of 'a * 'a | Sequence of 'a * 'a | Let of {id: string; value: 'a; body: 'a} | If of {conditional: 'a; consequence: 'a; alternative: 'a} [@@deriving map] ❷ end type t = t Open.t ❸ let map: (t -> t) -> t -> t = Open.map ❹ end
First, we called our new polymorphic type 'a Syntax.Open.t
We’ll refer to it as an “open” type.
Second, we used the deriving framework to get map
for free ❷.
We regained our monomorphic type by making a recursive type definition ❸.
We’ll refer to this type as a “closed” type.
Unlike in Haskell, there is no need for a fix-point type and for
the wrapping and unwrapping that is associated with it.
OCaml supports such recursive type definitions using -rectypes
compiler flag.
The resulting closed type Syntax.t
indistinguishable from our original Syntax.t
, for all intents and purposes.
Interestingly enough,
flag is not necessary for tying the recursive knot when used together with polymorphic variants. And there might be more reasons to use polymorphic variants for syntax trees and intermediate representations.
We can also regain our monomorphic map
❹ function, if necessary,
by constraining Open.map
with a signature.
Now we can write the same short version of the dead code elimination pass without
writing the map
function ourselves.
So far we were only able to automate recursion for
passes of form Syntax.t -> Syntax.t
What about passes that return an option?
A result type to signal errors?
And how about passes that need to maintain a lexical environment?
Say, we want a pass of form Syntax.t -> (Syntax.t, 'error) result
that checks for literal division by zero.
Let’s write it using primitive recursion first. We’ll use the result monad to compose our pass recursively. Normally you would use a library like Base.Result for that, but let’s spell it out here:
module Result = struct let return x = Ok x let (>>=) = function | Ok ok -> fun f -> f ok | error -> fun _ -> error endAnd then we implement the pass itself:
module Check_literal_division_by_zero = struct let rec pass = function | Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t -> return t| Divide (_, Number 0) -> Error `Literal_division_by_zero| Divide (left, right) -> pass left >>= fun left -> pass right >>= fun right -> return (Divide (left, right)) | Sequence (left, right) -> pass left >>= fun left -> pass right >>= fun right -> return (Sequence (left, right)) | Let {id; value; body} -> pass value >>= fun value -> pass body >>= fun body -> return (Let {id; value; body}) | If {conditional; consequence; alternative} -> pass conditional >>= fun conditional -> pass consequence >>= fun consequence -> pass alternative >>= fun alternative -> return (If {conditional; consequence; alternative}) end
As previously, the highlighted area shows the code that implements the transformation, and the rest is boilerplate that implements recursion.
We have used a polymorphic variant
for our error value. To learn why this might be a good idea read about Composable Error Handling in OCaml.
Like we did before, we can factor the boilerplate out
and, as a result, we get map_result
, a function
that maps Syntax.t -> (Syntax.t, 'error) result
open Result let rec map_result f = function | Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t -> return t | Divide (left, right) -> f left >>= fun left -> f right >>= fun right -> return (Divide (left, right)) | Sequence (left, right) -> f left >>= fun left -> f right >>= fun right -> return (Sequence (left, right)) | Let {id; value; body} -> f value >>= fun value -> f body >>= fun body -> return (Let {id; value; body}) | If {conditional; consequence; alternative} -> f conditional >>= fun conditional -> f consequence >>= fun consequence -> f alternative >>= fun alternative -> return (If {conditional; consequence; alternative})
We can convince ourselves that it works by rewriting the pass
with recursion delegated to map_result
module Check_literal_division_by_zero = struct let rec pass = function | Divide (_, Number 0) -> Error `Literal_division_by_zero | other -> map_result pass other end
Much better now!
Looking at map_result
implementation, we can
quickly discover that it has nothing specific to the
type. It only uses return
and bind
So, instead, we can make a “map generator” function
which is parametrized over return
and bind
get a mapper for any monad:
let map_monad ~return ~bind:(>>=) f = function | Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t -> return t | Divide (left, right) -> f left >>= fun left -> f right >>= fun right -> return (Divide (left, right)) | Sequence (left, right) -> f left >>= fun left -> f right >>= fun right -> return (Sequence (left, right)) | Let {id; value; body} -> f value >>= fun value -> f body >>= fun body -> return (Let {id; value; body}) | If {conditional; consequence; alternative} -> f conditional >>= fun conditional -> f consequence >>= fun consequence -> f alternative >>= fun alternative -> return (If {conditional; consequence; alternative})
One can write a
plugin to automatically derive this function, just likemap
What can we do with it?
We can use it to factor out recursion from any pass of the form
Syntax.t -> Syntax.t m
where m
is a monad type.
We can generate map_result
from result monad to implement
our literal division checker:
let map_result = map_monad ~return:Result.return ~bind:Result.(>>=) module Check_literal_division_by_zero = struct let rec pass = function | Divide (_, Number 0) -> Error `Literal_division_by_zero | other -> map_result pass other end
We can generate map_option
with option monad to get
Syntax.t -> Syntax.t option
We can pass identity monad to get our original map
function and implement the dead code elimination pass:
let map = map_monad ~return:Identity.return ~bind:Identity.(>>=) module Dead_code_elimination = struct let rec pass = function | If {conditional=Boolean true; consequence; _} -> pass consequence | If {conditional=Boolean false; alternative; _} -> pass alternative | other -> map pass other end
Some passes need to maintain a symbol table for lexical analysis.
Consider a pass that finds all variables which are undefined according to the rules of lexical scope. When recurring, it needs to pass down the list of variables available in scope, and pass up the list of undefined variables that it found.
The following type can be used for this purpose:
module Environment = struct type t = {defined: string list; undefined: string list} let initial = {defined=[]; undefined=[]} end
Since map_monad
works for any monad, we could
define a state monad for Environment.t
and use
it to factor out the recursive pattern.
When using a monad library in OCaml we can obtain a state monad from a type with no effort, and get a rich set of functions to work with it:
module Monad = StateMonad (Environment)
However, for illustrative purpose let’s write a state monad
for Environment.t
manually while keeping in mind that
we can get most of the code below for free:
module Monad = struct type 'a t = Environment.t -> 'a * Environment.t let return a env = a, env let (>>=) t callback env = let a, env = t env in callback a env let with_defined name t {defined; undefined} = ❶ let a, env = t {undefined; defined=name :: defined} in a, {env with defined} let check_id name env = ❷ if List.mem name env.defined then (), env else (), {env with undefined=name :: env.undefined} let undefined t = (snd (t initial)).undefined ❸ end
We have also written three functions that are specific
to our pass. Number ❶ is with_defined
given an identifier adds it to the defined
to pass this information down. Number ❷ is check_id
Given an identifier it checks if the identifier belongs to the defined
and if it does not—it adds it to the list of undefined
Finally ❸ we create a function to extract the list of
undefined variables from a monadic value.
Now, we have everything in place to write our pass that checks for undefined variables.
First, we generate map_environment
that maps
Syntax.t -> Sytax.t Environment.Monad.t
let map_environment = map_monad ~return:Monad.return ~bind:Monad.(>>=)
And now, the pass itself:
module Collect_undefined_variables = struct let rec pass = function | Let {id; value; body} -> pass value >>= fun value -> with_defined id (pass body) >>= fun body -> return (Let {id; value; body}) | Id id as t -> check_id id >>= fun () -> return t | other -> map_environment pass other end
When our pass reaches a let-binding, it
uses with_defined
to pass down the information
about the bound identifier to the
body of the binding. If we had support for let rec
we would also use with_defined
for the value branch.
When we reach an identifier, we check that it is
in scope using check_id
function, and if it is not,
will add it to the undefined
We delegate the recursion to map_environment
Let us test this pass. Consider the following program in our toy language:
x; let x = () in let a = () in a; let b = a in let y = y in (let z = () in ()); a; b; z
The three variables highlighted are used outside of the lexical scope where they are defined.
This program can be represented as the following syntax tree:
let tree = let (%) left right = Sequence (left, right) in Id "x" % Let {id="x"; value=Unit; body= Let {id="a"; value=Unit; body= Id "a" % Let {id="b"; value=Id "a"; body= Let {id="y"; value=Id "y"; body= Let {id="z"; value=Unit; body=Unit} % Id "a" % Id "b" % Id "z"}}}}
We write a test that applies our pass to the tree and extracts the list of undefined variables from the resulting value:
let () = let pass = Collect_undefined_variables.pass in assert (undefined (pass tree) = ["z"; "y"; "x"])
And confirm that they are z
, y
, and x
If our syntax tree had location information we could easily
collect the precise locations of the undefined variables.
, we can reuse the recursive
pattern for t -> t
passes.deriving map
.t -> t m
passes, for any monad m
, notably for
identity, option, result, and state monads.You can find the code from this article in a GitHub gist along with more tests and examples that you can play with.
The approach of using a map function as a recursion scheme works well when your pass works on a subset of variants and ignores the rest. However, it does not offer anything for the cases when a pass needs to touch every variant, which is common. For these cases there are other recursive schemes.
Not all passes map over the same syntax tree or intermediate
representation type. Many useful passes work by converting
one representation to a different one. In a future post we’ll
explore what can be done for passes of form a -> b m
for some a
and b
Adventures in Uncertainty is a blog about recursion schemes in Haskell. ■
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