Compiling to Assembly
from Scratch

Table of Contents

Chapter 8
Second Pass: Code Generation

The second and the last pass of our compiler is called the emitter or the code generator, since it generates the assembly code. It converts an AST of a program into assembly instrucitons. How do we organize that? We extend the AST interface with a new method called emit.

interface AST {
  emit(): void;
  equals(other: AST): boolean;

It’s a cool method—you may say—it takes no parameters and returns nothing (or void). So, what’s the use of it? First, it takes the implicit this parameter, and with it all the instance variables of each node. Second, even though the signature return type is void, when this method is called, it will emit assembly as a side effect. For that we will use an emit function (as opposed to a method). Using this function we can emit instructions like this:

emit("  add r1, r2, r3");

More often, we will use template literals for string interpolation when emitting code:

let x = 42;
emit(`  add r1, r2, #${x}`);

This will emit add r1, r2, #42. How do we implement the emit function? We can define it so that it appends a line to an array, or writes a line to a file. But for now, let’s define it as follows, for simplicity:

let emit = console.log;

That’s right, emit simply prints to the console’s standard output channel. This is good enough, for now. We can redirect standard output to a file, and then assemble it.

What about the method emit? First, we define this method on every AST node to satisfy the interface. A dummy implementation will suffice, for a start. Let’s use Number node as an example.

class Number implements AST {
  constructor(public value: number) {}

  emit() { throw Error("Not implemented yet"); }

  equals(other: AST) {…}

Next, we will modify each node to emit the correct assembly. For example, in case of Number it will eventually be as follows:

emit() {
  emit(`  ldr r0, =${this.value}`);

This way, each AST node will be able to emit corresponding assembly. Nodes that have other nodes as instance variables will be able to call their emit methods. Note that the order of calls matters.

There’s one rule that we will follow: each node, when emitted, will produce assembly code that will put its result into the register r0. This is alredy how function calls work, but we extend it for all nodes that produce a value. This way, we will know where each value ends up when we emit it.

Test bench

To test our emitter pass as we develop it, I suggest adding a few temporary AST nodes: Main and Assert. As we teach our compiler to emit each kind of node, we want to see the results immediately, not until we can define a somewhat complicated function like assert, so we make it into a primitive. It’s the same with Main: we want our compiler to produce an entry point to our program before we can define functions. We define Main to take an array of statements.

class Main implements AST {
  constructor(public statements: Array<AST>) {}

  emit() { /* TODO */ }

  equals(other: AST) {…}

While Assert takes a single condition on which it will make the assertion:

class Assert implements AST {
  constructor(public condition: AST) {}

  emit() { /* TODO */ }

  equals(other: AST) {…}

We’ve left out the emit methods for now.

We sligtly modify the functionStatement parser to temporarily produce the Main node, in case the function name is main:

// functionStatement <-
//   blockStatement
let functionStatement: Parser<AST> =
  FUNCTION.and(ID).bind((name) =>
    LEFT_PAREN.and(parameters).bind((parameters) =>
      RIGHT_PAREN.and(blockStatement).bind((block) =>
          name === 'main'
            ? new Main(block.statements)
            : new Function(name, parameters, block)))));

Same with Assert: we produce it inside the call parser in case the callee is called assert.

let call: Parser<AST> =
  ID.bind((callee) =>
    LEFT_PAREN.and(args.bind((args) =>
        callee === 'assert'
          ? new Assert(args[0])
          : new Call(callee, args))))));

As soon as we have enough functionality to define our own functions like assert, we’ll be able to roll this back.

Main entry point

Let’s imagine how our main entry point should look like in assembly.

.global main
  push {fp, lr}

  mov r0, #0
  pop {fp, pc}

As before, we need the main label declared as .global. We won’t strictly need it until we implement calls, but let’s save the lr register, so it won’t get clobbered eventually, and we can safely return from main. Since we need to align the stack at the double-word boundary, we can push some other register together with lr. We could push ip as a dummy, but why not as well push the frame pointer fp to get the “classical” function prologue going. Then we generate the inner statements. We set the return value to zero, which will be the default return code of the program. We finish with the “classical” epilogue, where we restore fp and by pushing the saved lr into pc we return from main as well.

Now we can implement the emit method of Main:

class Main implements AST {
  constructor(public statements: Array<AST>) {}

  emit() {
    emit(`.global main`);
    emit(`  push {fp, lr}`);
    this.statements.forEach((statement) =>
    emit(`  mov r0, #0`);
    emit(`  pop {fp, pc}`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

Inbetween the prologue and the epilogue, we emit the inner statements in order, using forEach loop. Though, we haven’t defined any of the statement nodes that could be emitted here yet. Nevertheless, our Main node is enough to make the first test for our emitter pass: a program that does nothing successfully!

When testing the emitter pass, we could do that in isolation:

new Main([]).emit();

Or we could integrate it with the parser:

  function main() {


We can pipe the resulting assembly into a file, assemble it and execute it!

Congratulations, our compiler has just compiled its first program end-to-end!


Like a function call, assert will expect its only argument to be located in the r0 register. We compare it with 1 which we treat as a truthy value in our untyped language with no proper booleans. If equal, we save an ASCII code for dot into r0 to signify success. Otherwise, we save the code for F to signify failure. We call putchar from libc to print it. We do not terminate the program.

  cmp r0, #1
  moveq r0, #'.'
  movne r0, #'F'
  bl putchar

To implement the Assert node, we just copy-paste this assembly into the emit method. We also make sure to emit the condition, so the result ends up in r0. We don’t have any nodes that could be emitted here yet, but that will change quickly.

class Assert implements AST {
  constructor(public condition: AST) {}

  emit() {
    emit(`  cmp r0, #1`);
    emit(`  moveq r0, #'.'`);
    emit(`  movne r0, #'F'`);
    emit(`  bl putchar`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}


Let’s start with the node for a literal integer. This way, we can put our Assert to use as soon as possible.

We need to load the integer value into r0. We could use mov with an immediate, but the range of immediate values is quite restrictive. That’s why we use the ldr pseudo-instruction. As you remember, the assembler will convert it into mov with an immediate, if possible.

class Number implements AST {
  constructor(public value: number) {}

  emit() {
    emit(`  ldr r0, =${this.value}`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

Now, we can use Number in an assertion.

  function main() {

We compile, assemble, and run this program, and we can see that it prints a mighty dot, signifying that the assertion passes. If you change the integer to 0, you can see the program prints F, as it should.


Next up is the negation operator! It is, to some degree, similar to Assert. It takes a single term, that we emit, and compares it to zero. Depending on that, we move either 1 or 0 into r0, thus logically negating the result.

class Not implements AST {
  constructor(public term: AST) {}

  emit() {
    emit(`  cmp r0, #0`);
    emit(`  moveq r0, #1`);
    emit(`  movne r0, #0`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

Now we can extend our test program:

function main() {

From here on, we will skip the boilerplate when we discuss our test program.

Infix operators

Next up are infix operators: ==, !=, +, -, *, / with nodes Equal, NotEqual, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide. All of them are very similar: they take two terms left and right and operate on them.

Let’s use Add as an example.

We could emit one node, move the value into a temporary register (say, r1), then emit the second node (which value ends up in r0) and then sum them up:

class Add implements AST {
  constructor(public left: AST, public right: AST) {}

  emit() { /* First flawed attempt */
    emit(`mov r1, r0`);
    emit(`add r0, r1, r0`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

However, this will not work for long: as soon as the right node is something more complicated than just a Number, emitting it will likely clobber r1 that stores the left result. This will be the case, for example, if we have two nested infix nodes. That’s why we need to save r1 onto the stack before emitting right, then restore it before we perform the addition:

  emit() { /* Second attempt */
    emit(`push {r0, ip}`);
    emit(`pop {r1, ip}`);
    emit(`add r0, r1, r0`);

To maintain 8-byte stack alignment, we also save and restore the dummy ip register. If the left node is another nested expression, the pushes and pops will match, and we will be at the same stack pointer location before and after we emit it.

Like in our first attempt, we can avoid using stack in some cases. We can also do better than waste stack space on saving ip each time.

All our infix operators will have the same structure: emit right, push, emit left, pop, then the action. Only the last part will be different. So, here is a quick table that shows the action part of each infix node.

Action part of each infix node
AST Node Emits
add r0, r1, r0
sub r0, r1, r0
mul r0, r1, r0
udiv r0, r1, r0
cmp r0, r1
moveq r0, #1
movne r0, #0
cmp r0, r1
moveq r0, #0
movne r0, #1

If you want to reduce duplication, you can pull the common part into a new AST node called Infix, for example.

In the end, we can add an integration test for infix operators:

function main() {
  assert(42 == 4 + 2 * (12 - 2) + 3 * (5 + 1));

We are getting somewhere!

Block statement

Block statement is similar to Main but without all the entry point fuss. It merely emits each statement.

class Block implements AST {
  constructor(public statements: Array<AST>) {}

  emit() {
    this.statements.forEach((statement) =>

  equals(other: AST) {…}

Simple test:

function main() {
  assert(42 == 4 + 2 * (12 - 2) + 3 * (5 + 1));
  { /* Testing a block statement */

Function calls

Next is function calls. As we learned in the previous chapter, according to the ARM calling convention we need to put the first four arguments into registers r0r3, and expect the return value in r0. Let’s remind ourselves that the Call node holds a callee string and an args array.

class Call implements AST {
  constructor(public callee: string,
              public args: Array<AST>) {}

  emit() {



We can start with something simple: calling a function with no arguments. That’s just branching-and-link to the callee label:

  // One argument
  emit(`  bl ${this.callee}`);

How about one argument? If we emit the first argument, it will be in r0. And that’s precisely where we need it! Then we bl to it, as previously:

  // Two arguments
  emit(`  bl ${this.callee}`);

More arguments? We could have special cases for two, three, and four arguments, and it would also be good for performance reasons, but how about we jump straight to a more general case. The following will handle two, three, or four arguments. It was nice not to use any stack space for zero or one arguments. However, to evaluate more arguments, we need to put them on the stack temporarily. Otherwise, as we evaluate one, we risk clobbering the value of the other arguments. Here’s how we do it:

  // Up to four arguments
  emit(`  sub sp, sp, #16`);
  this.args.forEach((arg, i) => {
    emit(`  str r0, [sp, #${4 * i}]`);
  emit(`  pop {r0, r1, r2, r3}`);
  emit(`  bl ${this.callee}`);

First, we allocate enough stack space for up to four arguments, or in other words, 16 bytes. We do that by subtracting from the stack pointer since the stack grows from higher memory addresses to lower. Then we loop through arguments using forEach, which takes a callback with each item, and optionally its index i. For each argument, we first emit it and then store the result into each stack slot. We multiply by four to convert array indexes 0, 1, 2, 3 into stack offsets in bytes: 0, 4, 8, 12. At this point, the arguments will all be emitted and stored on the stack. However, we want them to be in registers. So we pop them into the registers in one elegant go. Now, we’ve got everything in place so we can branch to the label.

Here’s the complete version that combines all three approaches by dispatching on the number of arguments.

class Call implements AST {
  constructor(public callee: string,
              public args: Array<AST>) {}
  emit() {
    let count = this.args.length;
    if (count === 0) {
      emit(`  bl ${this.callee}`);
    } else if (count === 1) {
      emit(`  bl ${this.callee}`);
    } else if (count >= 2 && count <= 4) {
      emit(`  sub sp, sp, #16`);
      this.args.forEach((arg, i) => {
        emit(`  str r0, [sp, #${4 * i}]`);
      emit(`  pop {r0, r1, r2, r3}`);
      emit(`  bl ${this.callee}`);
    } else {
      throw Error("More than 4 arguments: not supported");

  equals(other: AST) {…}

We throw an error in the case of more than four arguments, which we don’t support in the baseline compiler.


By specializing code generators for two, three, and four arguments separately (like we did for zero and one argument) you will be able to produce better code (for example, not allocate four slots for two arguments, like we do now). From the previous chapter you might have an idea about how to handle more than four arguments.

How do we test this? We don’t yet have a way to define functions. But we can use some of the libc functions to test this.

As you remember, putchar takes one parameter: let’s put it into use by printing the ASCII code for a dot (46), as our test.

There’s also a function called rand that takes no arguments and returns a random number. That’s not the best function to base our tests on, but we can use it until we can define our own functions.

assert(rand() != 42);

I couldn’t find any portable libc function that takes two, three, or four integer arguments, so we’ll have to wait to test that.


Modify the parser such that a character literal like '.' produces an AST node with the corresponding ASCII code, like new Number(46). You can use string.charCodeAt(index) method.


Next one is fun: conditional statement, or, in other words, if-statement. It is fun because we are finally getting to work with control-flow.

Let’s look at an example first. What if we wanted to compile the following if-statement:

if (rand()) {   /* Conditional */
  putchar(46);  /* Consequence */
} else {
  putchar(70);  /* Alternative */

How would we compile this by hand? We could start with two labels ifTrue and ifFalse. We branch to ifFalse if the condition is zero, otherwise to ifTrue. Below each of these labels, we emit the code corresponding to that branch. In the end, we put an endIf label and make sure that both branches jump to it when they reach their end.

  bl rand
  cmp r0, #0
  beq ifFalse
  bne ifTrue

  ldr r0, =46
  bl putchar
  b endIf

  ldr r0, =70
  bl putchar
  b endIf

  /* Whatever follows next */

We can do precisely that, but there are few improvements that we can make, to reduce the number of instructions. First, the ifFalse branch ends with b endIf immediately followed by endIf: label. That means we don’t have to jump to it since it points to the next instruction anyway. Similar with bne ifTrue, but with one nuance: although this branch is conditional (ne suffix), it is in fact not. Since the two conditions beq and bne are mutually exclusive, if the execution reached bne ifTrue we already know that it will execute. Furthermore, since bne ifTrue is the only use of this label, we can remove ifTrue completely. Here’s the resulting code:

  bl rand
  cmp r0, #0
  beq ifFalse

  ldr r0, =46
  bl putchar
  b endIf

  ldr r0, =70
  bl putchar

  /* Whatever follows next */

It is shorter, has fewer branches, so it can be executed more efficiently. But before we jump straight to implementing this in our emitter, we need to solve one problem. We can’t have two different labels called ifFalse or endIf: labels must be unique. We need to generate unique labels.

By convention, labels starting with prefix .L, for example, .L123 are used for code generation. Let’s create a class that will help us generate such labels.

class Label {
  static counter = 0;
  value: number;

  constructor() {
    this.value = Label.counter++;

  toString() {
    return `.L${this.value}`;

This class has a global counter which is incremented each time the constructor is called. When a Label object is created, this counter value is stored in the object’s value instance variable. We define a toString method that adds the .L prefix, so that these objects work well with string interpolation.

Now we have all things in place to implement the emitter. We crate two label objects ifFalseLabel and endIfLabel and use them with string interpolation in the emit calls.

class If implements AST {
  constructor(public conditional: AST,
              public consequence: AST,
              public alternative: AST) {}

  emit() {
    let ifFalseLabel = new Label();
    let endIfLabel = new Label();
    emit(`  cmp r0, #0`);
    emit(`  beq ${ifFalseLabel}`);
    emit(`  b ${endIfLabel}`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

Now all of our if-statements will have unique labels!

We can throw in a small unit test, for good measure:

if (1) {
} else {

if (0) {
} else {

Function definition and variable look-up

It was nice that we could develop and test function calls in isolation, without even being able to define functions. However, the next two concepts are highly intertwined: function definition and variable look-up. We already have a special node called Main that could be thought of as a function that takes no parameters, and always returns 0. We will use it as a template for making our Function node’s emitter:

class Function implements AST {
  constructor(public name: string,
              public parameters: Array<string>,
              public body: AST) {}

  /* First attempt */
  emit() {
    if (this.parameters.length > 4)
      throw Error("More than 4 parameters: not supported");

    emit(`.global ${}`);

  emitPrologue() {
    emit(`  push {fp, lr}`);
    emit(`  mov fp, sp`);
    emit(`  push {r0, r1, r2, r3}`);

  emitEpilogue() {
    emit(`  mov sp, fp`);
    emit(`  mov r0, #0`);
    emit(`  pop {fp, pc}`);

  equals() {…}

Similar to Call we will limit ourselves to four parameters this time. We make a guard to enforce this and raise an error otherwise. We start by emitting an empty line to separate assembly functions for readability. Similarly to Main, we emit the .global directive and the label. However, this time we don’t hardcode it to main, but use the name of the function instead, using string interpolation.

Here the function prologue starts. We have split the function prologue and epilogue into its own methods for readability. This is not something that we have done before.

Let’s look at the prologue, first. We save the frame pointer and the link registers, and we set our new frame pointer. We expect our parameters to be in registers r0r3. However, as soon as we start emitting the body of the function, we risk clobbering them, so we need to save them on the stack. Fortunately, ARM allows us to do it with a single push instruction. (An optimizing compiler would make an analysis called register allocation to determine which parameters can be kept in registers.)

Next, we emit the body of the function, which is followed by the function epilogue. Here we undo the effect of the function prologue: by setting the stack pointer value to frame pointer value we effectively deallocate whatever stack space we allocated (in the prologue, or otherwise). We set r0 and thus our return value to 0. This is to mimic the fact that JavaScript functions return undefined when there’s no explicit return. We pick 0 because it is falsy, like undefined. This also removes the risk of returning a garbage value that was a leftover of some computation, in case we forget to have a return statement. As the last instruction, we restore the caller’s frame pointer and pop the saved link register into the program counter, effectively returning from the function.


We pushed four registers onto the stack. An improvement could be to specialize this code to handle the cases with fewer parameters more efficiently. If you do that, don’t forget about 8-byte stack alignment.

So far, so good. Now, how do we access those parameters in the body of the function? They are located at well-known offsets from the frame pointer. Since the stack grows from high addresses to low, we know that we can access parameters using negative offsets relative to the frame pointer. We also know that push {r0, r1, r2, r3} pushes the registers in the reverse order, same as this equivalent (but bulkier) code:

  push {r3}
  push {r2}
  push {r1}
  push {r0}

That means that the fourth parameter (from register r3) will be stored at the location fp - 4, third (r2) at fp - 8, second (r1) at fp - 12, first at fp - 16.

So, when we encounter an identifier that refers to one of the parameters, all we need to know is the offset from the frame pointer to locate its value. We can load it with ldr. Here’s an example of loading the first parameter:

  ldr r0, [fp, #-16]

What we can do is to store the mapping from parameter name to an offset from the frame pointer and make sure it is passed down to all emitters. That means that whenever we encounter an identifier node Id we can look up the offset in that mapping and then we will know how to load it. This mapping is usually called an environment.

We could just pass around a Map<string, number>, but my crystal ball tells me that we will need to extend this data structure in the near future. So, instead we will introduce a data class with this map as an instance variable called locals:

class Environment {
  /* Initial version */
  constructor(public locals: Map<string, number>) {}

We call this class Environment. Right now it only contains the locals map, which is the environment for our local variables, but it could include other environments, such as global variable environment, or type environments, or an environment with function signatures. We called our map locals and not parameters, because we foresee that we will use it for other local variables, and not just for function parameters.

Now, there is a hefty change that we need to make. We need to adjust the AST interface to take the new Environment parameter, which we will pass to emit. We will consistently call this parameter env.

interface AST {
  emit(env: Environment): void;
  equals(other: AST): boolean;

This will also require us to modify all AST nodes to take this environment and pass it down to all other node emitters. This is a very invasive, but mechanical change. We’ll not go through all the nodes for this, let’s just use Add as our example.

class Add implements AST {
  constructor(public left: AST,
              public right: AST) {}

  emit(env: Environment) {
    emit(`  push {r0, ip}`);
    emit(`  pop {r1, ip}`);
    emit(`  add r0, r1, r0`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

The emitter now takes an env parameter, which it passes down to both its child AST nodes: left and right, in this case.

Now, back to our Function. We need to modify it to fulfil the new AST interface with Environment. However, we will ignore the incoming environment since we will not support nested functions. We will bind it to an underscore to signify to the reader of this code that this variable is not used on purpose. Here’s our new take on function definition:

class Function implements AST {

  /* Second attempt */
  emit(_: Environment) {
    if (this.parameters.length > 4)
      throw Error("More than 4 parameters: not supported");

    emit(`.global ${}`);
    let env = this.setUpEnvironment();
  setUpEnvironment() {
    let locals = new Map();
    this.parameters.forEach((parameter, i) => {
      locals.set(parameter, 4 * i - 16);
    return new Environment(locals);

Here, in the function definition node, we know both the names of the parameters and the offsets at which they will be stored. So this is the ideal place to create a new environment. We do that in a method called setUpEnvironment. First, we create an empty environment, and then we loop through the parameters using forEach and set the locals map for each parameter to its offset relative to the frame pointer. Here, forEach passes not only items but also (optionally) each item’s index i. To map each index to its frame pointer offset we multiply the index by four to convert from words to bytes, and remove 16 since this is how many bytes we had allocated on the stack when we popped the four parameters in the prologue. We pass the constructed environment when emitting the body, which, in turn, will pass it to all its children, and so forth.

Now, a node that needs to access a local parameter can look it up in the environment. And what node could it be if not Id, the node for the identifiers in our code? All the hard work is done in the Function node, so our Id node will be quite simple:

class Id implements AST {
  constructor(public value: string) {}

  emit(env: Environment) {
    let offset = env.locals.get(this.value);
    if (offset) {
      emit(`  ldr r0, [fp, #${offset}]`);
    } else {
      throw Error(`Undefined variable: ${this.value}`);

  equals() {…}

It looks up the offset from the local environment by identifier name. If the name is not in the environment, it throws an error. This means that a variable was used before it is defined. Otherwise, it loads the value using ldr relative to the frame pointer.

These frame pointers are handy, aren’t they?

Now that we have implemented functions with parameters, we can implement quite a few interesting ones! First, we can get rid of the Main node, and generate the main function just like any other. Second, we can get rid of our Assert primitive, and implement it instead as a function:

function assert(x) {
  if (x) {
  } else {

Finally, it’s good to test that we got parameter passing right. Here’s one of such tests:

function assert1234(a, b, c, d) {
  assert(a == 1);
  assert(b == 2);
  assert(c == 3);
  assert(d == 4);

It could be called as assert1234(1, 2, 3, 4) from main.

It feels like we can implement almost anything now; however, one critical piece is still missing.


Functions must be able to return values. Even fans of continuation-passing style would agree. And thanks to frame pointers, implementing the Return node is easy:

class Return implements AST {
  constructor(public term: AST) {}

  emit(env) {
    emit(`  mov sp, fp`);
    emit(`  pop {fp, pc}`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

We only need to emit the node (which is returned) into r0, and then repeat the same instructions as in the epilogue.

Now, the language of our compiler is technically-speaking Turing-complete. Loops, you say? We can loop using recursion, which we get for free since our functions are using the stack. (We are not getting tail-call optimization for free, though). This step warrants extensive testing, but the one test I have in mind is this:

function factorial(n) {
  if (n == 0) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return n * factorial(n - 1);

The factorial function! We can call it from main as follows:

assert(factorial(5) == 120);

It’s a small dot for a test suite, but a giant leap for our compiler!

We’ve got all the essentials in place now. We will finish this chapter with a couple of niceties: local variables, assignments, and while loops. As a treat.

Local variables

Here we will set out to implement local variables, as declared with var keyword in JavaScript and represented as Var node in our AST.

Why var and not let? We have used only let in the implementation of this compiler!

Let’s remind ourselves of the difference. Here’s a function using let:

function f() {
  let x = 1;
    let x = 2;

And the same one using var:

function f() {
  var x = 1;
    var x = 2;

The first one prints 1, and the second one prints 2. The difference is that the var bindings work at the function scope, and let bindings work at the block scope. So the two “vars” refer to the same variables, but the two “lets” are different: the second one is within another scope delimited by braces.

The reason we implement var is that it simplifies scope handling: you only need one scope per function. That’s probably also the reason JavaScript introduced var first, and let much later. There’s also const, which is just like let, but makes the assignment forbidden on its bindings.

So, how do we implement var? We can push the value on the stack, then look it up in the environment, just like with parameters. However, when defining parameters, we know their offset: they are at the beginning of the frame. However, when we emit a var, we don’t know how far down the stack we currently are. But we can track this in the environment!

Let’s modify the Environment class to store the nextLocalOffset number, which represents the next available frame pointer offset. This is also sometimes called a stack index.

class Environment {
  constructor(public locals: Map<string, number>,
              public nextLocalOffset: number) {}

For starters, we could initialize it to 0. However, in Function we need to set it up depending on how many parameters we allocate. Right now we always allocate four, at offsets -4, -8, -12, and -16. So the next available offset is -20. And that’s the value that we use in the environment setup:

class Function implements AST {

  setUpEnvironment() {
    let locals = new Map();
    this.parameters.forEach((parameter, i) => {
      locals.set(parameter, 4 * i - 16);
    nextLocalOffset = -20;
    return new Environment(locals, nextLocalOffset);


Now, onto the Var node. Theoretically, we could add the variable name to the local environment mapping, so it maps to the nextLocalOffset value, then push the value onto the stack, and update the nextLocalOffset to point to the next available offset. However, we need to maintain 8-byte alignment, so it is slightly more involved:

class Var implements AST {
  constructor(public name: string,
              public value: AST) {}

  emit(env: Environment) {
    emit(`  push {r0, ip}`);
    env.locals.set(, env.nextLocalOffset - 4);
    env.nextLocalOffset -= 8;

  equals(other: AST) {…}

We still start by emitting the value and pushing it onto the stack, but we also need to push something like an ip register to keep the stack 8-byte aligned. This way it’s the ip that will be located at the nextLocalOffset, so when updating the local environment, we subtract another 4 bytes from it. Now, we need to advance nextLocalOffset two stack slots ahead; in other words, we decrement it by 8.


This wastes 50% of the stack space for locals. Here’s a way to fix it: you can add an array of offsets vacantOffsets to the Environment. Then each time you need a stack slot you first check if there are any vacant slots, and try to use it (and remove it from the array). And only if there are no such slots, you allocate new stack space. This technique can also be used to take advantage of over-allocating in other situations, for example, when you have an odd number of function parameters. There’s also a way to organize it all neatly into a Frame data structure that handles this offset twiddling in one place, so every relevant emitter doesn’t have to keep track of the offset math.

Let’s add an assertion to test our var handling:

var x = 4 + 2 * (12 - 2);
var y = 3 * (5 + 1);
var z = x + y;
assert(z == 42);


Assignment handling is very similar to identifier look-up. Except instead of reading its value, we are writing it. We emit the value into r0. Then we look up the frame pointer offset in the local environment. If the environment look-up fails, we throw an error: that variable was not defined at this point of time. Otherwise, we use the str instruction to store the value from r0 into the frame pointer offset.

class Assign implements AST {
  constructor(public name: string,
              public value: AST) {}

  emit(env: Environment) {
    let offset = env.locals.get(;
    if (offset) {
      emit(`  str r0, [fp, #${offset}]`);
    } else {
      throw Error(`Undefined variable: ${}`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

A simple test for the assignment:

var a = 1;
assert(a == 1);
a = 0;
assert(a == 0);


Implement const bindings similar to var, but such that assignment is not allowed on them. A way to do that would be to change the locals mapping to include not only an offset but also a flag that signifies whether the binding is constant or not. Then, when the assignment looks it up, check that the constant flag is not set, and fail otherwise.


While-loop handling is in many ways similar to the If statement handling. It has a conditional expression, which is checked for truthiness, but it has only one branch. The other difference is that at the end of that branch, it jumps back to the beginning.

class While implements AST {
  constructor(public conditional: AST,
              public body: AST) {}

  emit(env: Environment) {
    let loopStart = new Label();
    let loopEnd = new Label();

    emit(`  cmp r0, #0`);
    emit(`  beq ${loopEnd}`);
    emit(`  b ${loopStart}`);

  equals(other: AST) {…}

Here we generate two unique labels: loopStart and loopEnd. We check the conditional and branch off to loopEnd if it is falsy. Then follows the body of the loop. In the end, we unconditionally branch to the loopStart label. A quick test for the while loop may look like this:

var i = 0;
while (i != 3) {
  i = i + 1;
assert(i == 3);

We’ve put away the while loop handling for so long because to test it we first need the assignment to work. We can now also implement a version of the factorial function using the while loop:

function factorial(n) {
  var result = 1;
  while (n != 1) {
    result = result * n;
    n = n - 1;
  return result;


How do you implement a for loop? A for loop can be thought of as a special case of the while loop. Consider that the following for loop:

for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {

Is equivalent to this while loop:

i = 1;
while (i < 5) {
  i = i + 1;

The baseline compiler is done. Now, onto Part II, where we will continue extending and expanding the compiler with new functionality.

Next: Chapter 9. Introduction to Part II