Compiling to Assembly
from Scratch

Table of Contents

Chapter 6
First Pass: The Parser

Now that we’ve got enough parsing machinery working, we can implement the parser that produces an AST from source for our compiler.

Whitespace and comments

First, let’s define parsers for whitespace and comments, which we collectively refer to as ignored. (When a parser is split into a lexer and a parser, parsing whitespace and comments is usually done at the lexer-level.)

let whitespace = regexp(/[ \n\r\t]+/y);
let comments =
let ignored = zeroOrMore(whitespace.or(comments));

We allow both single-line (// …) and multi-line (/* … */) comments. In JavaScript regular expressions, the dot matches any character, except newline. To implement multi-line comments, we need to match newline as well. It is possible to alter the meaning of the dot regular expression to match any character including newline by passing the “dot-all” flag “s” alongside the “sticky” flag “y”:


We use character classes with a single character like [*] as a readable way to escape characters that have special meaning in regular expressions. Otherwise, they quickly start looking like a broken saw:



Even though our parser is scanerless (or token-less), it is still useful to distinguish tokens as our syntactic building blocks. The idea is to build token-like parsers from simple character parsers, and only then build full parser on top of token-like parsers.

As customary, we will use the naming convention for tokens (in grammar rules and parsers): they will be upper-case.

Tokens provide us a higher-level view of our source than single characters. They allow us to not deal with minute details like whitespace and comments. And this is precisely how we’ll use them here. We’ll define a token parser combinator (or, more precisely, constructor) that allows us to ignore whitespace and comments around our lexemes (or tokens).

let token = (pattern) =>
  regexp(pattern).bind((value) =>

It takes a regular expression pattern and returns a parser that is a sequence of that pattern and an ignored rule that we defined previously to handle whitespace and comments. It produces the string value matched by the pattern but ignores the value of the ignored rule. We “pad” with ignored only on the right-hand-side, not around the pattern. The latter would be redundant in all but the first token, which we can handle specially. This is a common way to handle whitespace and comments in scanerless parsers.

We’ll start with defining tokens for keywords in our language, like function, if, else, return, var, and while:

let FUNCTION = token(/function\b/y);
let IF = token(/if\b/y);
let ELSE = token(/else\b/y);
let RETURN = token(/return\b/y);
let VAR = token(/var\b/y);
let WHILE = token(/while\b/y);

We’ve used a word-break escape sequence \b to make sure we don’t recognize functional as a keyword function followed by identifier al.

Then, tokens for punctuation: commas, parenthesis, etc.:

let COMMA = token(/[,]/y);
let SEMICOLON = token(/;/y);
let LEFT_PAREN = token(/[(]/y);
let RIGHT_PAREN = token(/[)]/y);
let LEFT_BRACE = token(/[{]/y);
let RIGHT_BRACE = token(/[}]/y);

Our baseline compiler will handle only decimal integer numbers (base 10):

let NUMBER =
  token(/[0-9]+/y).map((digits) =>
    new Number(parseInt(digits, 10)));

We map the [0-9]+ token to convert digits to a JavaScript number using parseInt JavaScript built-in function that takes a string and a base number (10 for decimal). Then we construct a Number AST node from it.

Identifiers start with a letter or an underscore and are followed by a number of letters, digits, and underscores. In other words, they can’t start with a digit.

let ID = token(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/y);

In some cases, it will be useful for us to parse identifiers just for their string value, but sometimes it is more convenient to produce the AST node. That’s why we create an alias id, which is the same as ID, but instead of producing a string, it produces an AST node Id.

let id = => new Id(x));

Now, the operator tokens:

let NOT = token(/!/y).map((_) => Not);
let EQUAL = token(/==/y).map((_) => Equal);
let NOT_EQUAL = token(/!=/y).map((_) => NotEqual);
let PLUS = token(/[+]/y).map((_) => Add);
let MINUS = token(/[-]/y).map((_) => Subtract);
let STAR = token(/[*]/y).map((_) => Multiply);
let SLASH = token(/[/]/y).map((_) => Divide);
let ASSIGN = token(/=/y).map((_) => Assign);

We cannot construct a full AST node out of a single operator, but it will be handy to return the class of the AST node.


The grammar for our baseline compiler is split into two parts: expressions and statements. JavaScript (and TypeScript) is pretty relaxed about distinguishing the two. In general, expressions are constructs that produce a value like 1 + 2, and statements are something that has an effect but does not produce a value, like a while loop.

Expression parser

We will start by constructing a parser for a single expression. Here is the grammar for an expression in the baseline language.

args <- (expression (COMMA expression)*)?
atom <- call / ID / NUMBER
      / LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN
unary <- NOT? atom
product <- unary ((STAR / SLASH) unary)*
sum <- product ((PLUS / MINUS) product)*
comparison <- sum ((EQUAL / NOT_EQUAL) sum)*
expression <- comparison

It consists of infix operations such as ==, !=, +, -, *, /, unary negation !x, identifiers, integer numbers, and function calls.

The expression rule is split into several layers in order to handle operator precedence. The expression itself is just an alias to comparison. The comparison rule represents the operators with the lowest precedence: == and !=. The comparison itself is built out of sum in which operators have higher precedence: + and -. The sum, in turn, is built out of product rules with the highest precedence among infix operators: * and /. Those are built from unary, which represents unary operators, of which we have only negation: !. Negation has the highest precedence among all our operators. It is built upon a rule called atom. The atom rule represents the rules that are “atomic”, or require no precedence because of the way they are structured. For example, ID and NUMBER are single lexemes, so precedence doesn’t apply, while call and parenthesized expressions have explicit delimiters, so precedence doesn’t apply either. The args rule is extracted to simplify the call rule.

This process of constructing parsers with increasing precedence is sometimes compared to adding beads to a rope.

You can probably notice that the lowest-level rules, such as atom and call (via args) refer back to expression. This means that our grammar is recursive. This creates a slight problem for constructing a parser for this grammar. While JavaScript allows for recursive functions, it does not allow for recursive values. Other languages allow for so-called let-rec bindings, but not JavaScript. The way we handle this is by initially defining expression as an error parser:

let expression: Parser<AST> =
    "Expression parser used before definition");

Now we are free to use it when constructing our parser. However, we must remember to change this parser in-place once we define comparison and before we use it:

expression.parse = comparison.parse;

Call parser

We need to implement call by first implementing args.

args <- (expression (COMMA expression)*)?

Mechanically converting the args to a parser gives us:

// args <- (expression (COMMA expression)*)?
let args =

Like in the case of the Call AST node, we called it args instead of arguments, because arguments is a special JavaScript object, and we don’t want to clash with it.

We want this parser to return something useful, like an array of AST nodes. The maybe combinator returns null if it doesn’t match, but we want an empty array, so let’s replace it with .or(constant([])). We need to bind the first expression, then the rest of the expressions, and then concatenate them. By doing that we end up with the following:

// args <- (expression (COMMA expression)*)?
let args: Parser<Array<AST>> =
  expression.bind((arg) =>
    zeroOrMore(COMMA.and(expression)).bind((args) =>
      constant([arg, ...args]))).or(constant([]))

The expression zeroOrMore(COMMA.and(expression)) conveniently ignores the commas and produces an array of AST nodes.

Now, implementing call mechanically from grammar gives us:

let call =

We bind ID (that represents the name of the callee) and args to construct a Call node:

let call: Parser<AST> =
  ID.bind((callee) =>
    LEFT_PAREN.and(args.bind((args) =>
        constant(new Call(callee, args))))));


The next parser is atom. To ensure that it produces an AST, we need to use id rule instead of ID. We also bind the expression to extract its value.

// atom <- call / ID / NUMBER
//       / LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN
let atom: Parser<AST> =
    LEFT_PAREN.and(expression).bind((e) =>

The order of the choices is important. If the rule started as ID / call instead, call would never match, since call itself begins with an ID.

Unary operators

For unary parser, we bind both NOT? and atom. If NOT operator is present we construct the Not AST node, otherwise, we produce the underlying node.

// unary <- NOT? atom
let unary: Parser<AST> =
  maybe(NOT).bind((not) => => not ? new Not(term) : term));

We have bound the value of the atom to a name term, which we will use as a catch-all phrase when binding expressions or statements.

Infix operators

Infix operators are all constructed similarly, with lower precedence rules building upon higher precedence rules.

product <- unary ((STAR / SLASH) unary)*
sum <- product ((PLUS / MINUS) product)*
comparison <- sum ((EQUAL / NOT_EQUAL) sum)*

You can probably remember that we made sure that operator rule parsers produce the class of the corresponding AST node. For example, the EQUAL token produces the Equal class. We will use that property.

We’ll start with the product parser. Naive mechanical translation gives us:

// product <- unary ((STAR / SLASH) unary)*
let product =

Binding the first unary is easy. However, constructing a nested AST from all of this is not.

We can map (STAR / SLASH) unary to an intermediate data structure {operator, term}, which is a pair constructed from STAR / SLASH and unary values. This way, we get an array of operator-term pairs. We bind the unary and call its value first.

For example, if we were parsing a string "x * y / z", then first would be new Id("x"), while operatorTerms would be an array like this:

  {operator: Multiply, term: new Id("y")},
  {operator: Divide,   term: new Id("z")},

How do we reduce those into an AST node like the following?

new Divide(
  new Multiply(new Id("x"), new Id("y")),
  new Id("z"))

Turns out that array.reduce is precisely the method that can accomplish this! Here’s the resulting code:

// product <- unary ((STAR / SLASH) unary)*
let product =
  unary.bind((first) =>
    zeroOrMore(STAR.or(SLASH).bind((operator) =>
      unary.bind((term) =>
        constant({operator, term})))).map((operatorTerms) =>
          operatorTerms.reduce((left, {operator, term}) =>
            new operator(left, term), first)));

Quite a mouthful! Fortunately, this is the most complicated rule that we will encounter. Even better, we can extract this repeating pattern into another parser combinator and use it again. We’ll call that combinator infix:

let infix = (operatorParser, termParser) =>
  termParser.bind((term) =>
    zeroOrMore(operatorParser.bind((operator) =>
      termParser.bind((term) =>
        constant({operator, term})))).map((operatorTerms) =>
          operatorTerms.reduce((left, {operator, term}) =>
            new operator(left, term), term)));

We changed our product rule into a function that takes two parameters: operatorParser and termParser. We replaced unary with termParser and STAR.or(SLASH) with operatorParser. And now we’ve got a reusable combinator, which we can use not only for product but also for sum and comparison.

// product <- unary ((STAR / SLASH) unary)*
let product = infix(STAR.or(SLASH), unary);

// sum <- product ((PLUS / MINUS) product)*
let sum = infix(PLUS.or(MINUS), product);

// comparison <- sum ((EQUAL / NOT_EQUAL) sum)*
let comparison = infix(EQUAL.or(NOT_EQUAL), sum);


When we parse "x * y / z" we want it to be interpreted as "(x * y) / z" and produce the corresponding AST:

new Divide(
  new Multiply(new Id("x"), new Id("y")),
  new Id("z"))

Thus, we say that these operators are left-associative. At the moment we don’t have any right-associative operators, but if we did, we would use the same grammar rules, but we would have to use array.reduceBack instead of array.reduce to construct the AST, with some adjustments.

Closing the loop: expression

Now that we have defined comparison, we can finally define expression which had only a dummy implementation so far. We do that by overwriting the parse method of expression:

// expression <- comparison
expression.parse = comparison.parse;


Next up is parsing statements. Here’s the grammar:

returnStatement <- RETURN expression SEMICOLON

expressionStatement <- expression SEMICOLON

ifStatement <-

whileStatement <-
  WHILE LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN statement

varStatement <- VAR ID ASSIGN expression SEMICOLON


blockStatement <- LEFT_BRACE statement* RIGHT_BRACE

parameters <- (ID (COMMA ID)*)?

functionStatement <-

statement <- returnStatement
           / ifStatement
           / whileStatement
           / varStatement
           / assignmentStatemnt
           / blockStatement
           / functionStatement
           / expressionStatement

The high-level structure is very similar, as in the case of expressions. It consists of several rules, with statement defined recursively. Again, we start with a dummy implementation:

let statement: Parser<AST> =
    "Statement parser used before definition");

First statement kind is returnStatment that produces the Return AST node:

// returnStatement <- RETURN expression SEMICOLON
let returnStatement: Parser<AST> =
  RETURN.and(expression).bind((term) =>
    SEMICOLON.and(constant(new Return(term))));

The expressionStatement is an expression delimited with a semicolon:

// expressionStatement <- expression SEMICOLON
let expressionStatement: Parser<AST> =
  expression.bind((term) =>

The ifStatement produces the If node:

// ifStatement <-
//     statement
//   ELSE
//     statement
let ifStatement: Parser<AST> =
    (conditional) =>
      RIGHT_PAREN.and(statement).bind((consequence) =>
        ELSE.and(statement).bind((alternative) =>
          constant(new If(conditional,

The whileStatment is syntactically similar to the ifStatement:

// whileStatement <-
//   WHILE LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN statement
let whileStatement: Parser<AST> =
    (conditional) =>
      RIGHT_PAREN.and(statement).bind((body) =>
        constant(new While(conditional, body))));

The varStatment and the assigmentStatement are similar as well:

// varStatement <-
let varStatement: Parser<AST> =
  VAR.and(ID).bind((name) =>
    ASSIGN.and(expression).bind((value) =>
      SEMICOLON.and(constant(new Var(name, value)))));
// assignmentStatement <- ID ASSIGN EXPRESSION SEMICOLON
let assignmentStatement: Parser<AST> =
  ID.bind((name) =>
    ASSIGN.and(expression).bind((value) =>
      SEMICOLON.and(constant(new Assign(name, value)))));

Technically speaking, in JavaScript, the assignment is an expression, but for simplicity, we defined it as a statement. That’s also how it is used most of the time.

The block statement is a list of statements delimited with braces. It produces a Block node:

// blockStatement <- LEFT_BRACE statement* RIGHT_BRACE
let blockStatement: Parser<AST> =
    (statements) =>
      RIGHT_BRACE.and(constant(new Block(statements))));

Function parameters rule is very similar to the args rule that we defined previously (in terms of parser structure), but the parser produces an Array<string> instead of Array<AST>:

// parameters <- (ID (COMMA ID)*)?
let parameters: Parser<Array<string>> =
  ID.bind((param) =>
    zeroOrMore(COMMA.and(ID)).bind((params) =>
      constant([param, ...params]))).or(constant([]))

The function definition (which we also refer to as a statement) builds upon parameters and blockStatement to produce a Function node:

// functionStatement <-
//   blockStatement
let functionStatement: Parser<AST> =
  FUNCTION.and(ID).bind((name) =>
    LEFT_PAREN.and(parameters).bind((parameters) =>
      RIGHT_PAREN.and(blockStatement).bind((block) =>
          new Function(name, parameters, block)))));

We define statement as one of the above statements, and we tie the recursive knot by modifying the original statement.parser.

// statement <- returnStatement
//            / ifStatement
//            / whileStatement
//            / varStatement
//            / assignmentStatement
//            / blockStatement
//            / functionStatement
//            / expressionStatement
let statementParser: Parser<AST> =

statement.parse = statementParser.parse;

And since our language should accept more than one statement, we need one final touch to complete our parser:

let parser: Parser<AST> =
  ignored.and(zeroOrMore(statement)).map((statements) =>
    new Block(statements));

It starts with allowing the “ignored” whitespace and comments (which need to be explicitly ignored before the first logical token) and follows by zero or more statements that we convert to a Block node.


It is essential to test the parser at each step of the way. The examples from the chapter Abstract Syntax Tree provide a good source of unit tests. And here’s an example of a possible integration test:

let source = `
  function factorial(n) {
    var result = 1;
    while (n != 1) {
      result = result * n;
      n = n - 1;
    return result;
let expected = new Block([
  new Function("factorial", ["n"], new Block([
    new Var("result", new Number(1)),
    new While(new NotEqual(new Id("n"),
                           new Number(1)), new Block([
      new Assign("result", new Multiply(new Id("result"),
                                        new Id("n"))),
      new Assign("n", new Subtract(new Id("n"),
                                   new Number(1))),
    new Return(new Id("result")),

let result = parser.parseStringToCompletion(source);


The parser is now complete, and so is the first pass of our compiler.

Next: Chapter 7. ARM Assembly Programming